Sunday, December 6, 2009

Hey Bofe, every time I watch your memorial movie I dance for joy and shed tears of love for everyone! It's always a prayer of gratitude. Thanks for the gift of your beautiful and very full life! See you soon! lvya auntsue

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

5 Months

It's been 5 months and 1 day since it happened. I've had a hard day. I've been working on a little gift for each member of the family and I was sorting through pictures. Today I clicked on a file thinking it was a picture. But it was actually a video clip and it started playing immediately. It was from last Thanksgiving at the Scotts'. I heard your voice. I heard your laugh. It was like it was yesterday. I wish I could hear that laugh right now. My eyes hurt from crying today. It's been a hard Bofie day. Loving you.
Wut up, Little Brother? I miss you lots, but I'm making it. The kids talk about you sometimes. I know Alyssa talks about you to her teacher, Ms. DeFillipo. Lilly has moments where she'll break down into tears because she misses you. Kay gets really quiet and then HER tears come. But I think we're all doing ok down here. Can't wait to see you again one day. And I hope you're tearin' it up with Grandma and Grandpa! Love you tons!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Turkey Day

Happy Thanksgiving Bofie! Can't believe it's been a whole year since I saw your goofy face last. That was such a great time and I'm so thankful that the good Lord allowed us that one last hurrah. That week is full of memories I will treasure forever. Hope you are living it up on the other side today. How do you celebrate such holidays in Heaven? Love you kiddo :)

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Mr. Sacco

Joseph was the third McCorkle to be employed at Gerlands, a local grocery store in the Houston area. Evelyn and I were cashiers. Joseph started working there while I did. He was a sacker. The general manager of the store was named Mr. Sacco. He was a really nice man and treated all the employees very well. He was also a little goofy and liked to give us a hard time too. He was a good boss for a teenager to have.

When Joseph started working there and he got his name tag, for some reason Mr. Sacco had made a mistake and printed out the name "Andrew" for the tag. Joseph, being the easy going kid that he was, never said anything about it. In fact I can just imagine him getting the name tag, looking at it, and saying to himself "Okaaay....."

I guess after a while he decided he should say something because everyone was calling him Andrew. Finally he mentioned it to Mr. Sacco that his name tag was wrong. Now remember, this was quite a while into Joseph's employment at the store. He told Mr. Sacco that his name tag had the wrong name on it. Mr. Sacco was confused. I guess he also assumed his name was Andrew. So Mr. Sacco asked him "What name would you like it to say?"

Well somehow Joseph misunderstood him and he thought he said something to the effect of "What is my name?"

So Joseph, now being confused answered "Uuuum...Mr. Sacco."

Mr. Sacco then thought he was being a smart a$$ and he thought Joseph, in an answer to the question "What name would you like it to say" said that he thought HIS name tag should read Mr. Sacco. Mr. Sacco just laughed and said "Oh you kids these days."

For the rest of his time at Gerlands I think Joseph wore the Andrew name tag. I could have a few of these details wrong, but that is the gist of the story. It's one of the millions of McCorkle-isms.

Sunday, November 22, 2009


I never intended to write on this blog. I thought it would hurt too much....and it does. Every time I think of you, my Bofie, I want to cry. Sometimes I can keep it back and lots of times, it spills over. I think it must be selfishness on my part to want you back here. I know you're so much better off now than we are. But I miss you so and want you here to make me laugh....Mr. Sacco! And to be so proud of you. And to share the holidays with us, again. I hope you can still feel our love for you. We're a 'forever family' you know.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Hell Has Frozen Over

Wow, Alleged! I can't believe you figured out how to not only get into this "damn blog" but also to post in it!!!

Yo, Tikamo

Hey, Tikamo, whazzzup? Hey, thanks for your help lately. Hope you are doing okay. Don't worry about us. Get on with your new life. You have lots to learn and lots to check out over there. PAY ATTENTION! Be seeing you before you know it. Save a place for the rest of us. Say hellow to the Old Uns and all the rest. Hope you like your monument. Love Ya, Bofie.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Needing To Write

Why this blog? I have a family blog. I have Facebook. I have several outlets where I can express my feelings. I'm sure all of you do too. But I decided to designate a special place where I can come and write and talk about my inner most feelings in regards to my little brother.

I miss him so much and there isn't a day that goes by where I don't think about him and remember him. And there's rarely a day that I don't get at least watery eyed as I listen to a song on the radio that makes me think of him, or suddenly be transported back 20 years to a silly time when I was with him. There is a constant lump in my throat. I don't know if it will ever go away.

And so I write. And I want you to write too. Let this be a safe place where you can remember him and know that who ever is reading this knew and loved Joseph too. Remember the good times. Remember the frustrating times. Remember the times you got so mad at him and wanted to wring his neck. I have plenty of those. But above all, remember the fun times and all of the smiles that he brought to your face. I know I have a billion of those.

And so that is reason for this blog. Come by often. Pull up a chair and stay a while.
